The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action, it financed 55% of LIFE SEDREMED total budget (corresponding to a grant of €1.425.526,00). On 21 May 2022, the LIFE programme turned thirty and it has gone a long way since its start in 1992. It has co-financed more than 5.500 projects including 120 projects for the protection, remediation and restoration of the marine environment.
With the new EU multi-annual financial framework that just kick-started in 2021, the European Commission decided to increase LIFE funding by almost 60% until 2027 with now €5.4 billion to be invested in the environment and climate actions projects. The structure of the programme has also slightly evolved and is now organised in four sub-programmes:
a) nature and biodiversity;
b) circular economy and quality of life;
c) climate change mitigation and adaptation;
d) clean energy transition.
We are very proud to contribute to the implementation of the LIFE Programme and our consortium is motivated to provide concrete environmental results in order to increase the achievements that the programme is generating all around the EU.
For more information on the LIFE programme visit the dedicated website, it will guide you through the programme’s achievements and provide you with all the necessary tools to prepare a project proposal.